Grandpa Bill talks about our futures.

The dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge to near-ZERO literally overnight. James Rickards "Ice-9" As Metallica said Enter SandmanThe countdown clock on the dollar is ticking.

Strengthening Family Bonds by Aligning Core Values

Grandpa Bill has been reflecting going  back across time, in my own personal decades history in life, but more importantly, in the decades and centuries that have come before us all. GB realizes that families have always strived to function as a unit according to core values, whatever has been spoken or unspoken. The human race has been conditioned for sure as to what rules and expectations for parents and children alike our suppose to look like and be like. Social norms and family life , when working in unison throughout history-have actually set those standards. Life, history, and the pursuit of happiness  was at a  slower,  perhaps easier  pace to understand and do what we were conditioned to do to navigate the waters of our life. Now in 2022 and beyond: the digital nano- and new twenty-first century world developments in business and in life,  the families will be confronted with myriad lifestyle choices,  5 G , 6 G tech ??  The popuus is exposed to the troubles of a global world.