Presented by Kennel Kelp Adahs Animal Products & CTFO in our Support of Good Health in ALL Animals and our support of animal rescues everywhere. This is about our long time family support of The Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland, Maine.                  This is an anthology of BH Sales Kennel Kelp Adahs Animal Products CTFO Pet Advocacy & Community Support for The Animal Refuge League.                        It also is a  quick collage of my now 13 3/4 year old, soon to be High School Freshman-and my beloved granddaughter Adah.            These pictures go back some 5 years ago now. This is when we supported animal rescue cages at ARLGP.   We are aspiring to introduce our CTFO Community Support Program REAL SOON. We will be re instituting our support of th ARLGP  thru our Advocacy Program- we revisit our CTFO Pet Drops too in todays show thanks for joining us. More info at