CTFO is a Life Time Legacy company that is built to last !

Residual income in CTFO is income you continue to earn based on the efforts you put forth initially. This income is based on the sale of products. CTFO has amazing & affordable products that members & customers love and are "consumable." 

On average, it takes 3-5 years of consistency & persistence to build a lifetime residual income. The amount of lifetime weekly income varies based on how serious each individual treats CTFO. There are no short cuts. Members have different goals. Yet, whatever someone's goal is achievable. The only variable is you. Whether it takes three years or five years.... the Juice is Always Worth the Squeeze. 

There are many reasons people may want to earn an extra $1000 a month. You can use the money to help you pay off debt, make ends meet, or live your dreams. There’s a number of ways you can accomplish this, many of which are unconventional. You can choose any method you’re comfortable with, or discover your own. The most important thing is that you take action.

people fare better in quarantine situations when they know what’s going on in the world around them appreciate the calm and resilience keto has transformed my mental health — and in the anxiety of this moment, I deeply appreciate the calm and resilience I’ve found since changing the way