Horse, Pony and Donkey Health Issues Kennel Kelp has had a successful career in helping abate pain and suffering in pets, farm animals, ruminants, cats, dogs, goats ,sheep cows, pigs, etc  to include horses

Continued use of  Colloidal Silver I offered in the past  minimized scarring. Then, when applying a dressing of my clients, and farriers too also posed issues with clotting blotching of dressings I referred them to Blissful Dog & Horse we came up with a custom blend I introduced the client to colloidal silver success spraying Colloidal Silver directly onto any skin irritations or wounds 2 to 3 times per day until the condition visibly improved.

We have seen several amazing overnight results with painful hoof abscesses causing lameness that been resolved after giving Colloidal Silver. Mud fever is a difficult condition to treat in horses. ... Colloidal Silver has been given by vets alongside drugs, as there are no known interactions

I can only forsee positive results and the ok clearance given for Tourmaline Spring  Colloidal Silver Spray ,CBD Drink Drops and Water!

 Excellent accoutrement to any and all Farriers and Vets tool bags/medical bags wound spray for horses