Hi welcome to the show here today where we are launching a whole new Grandpa Bill Holistic healing show . I am your cohost Rosie, and I am Grandpa Bills Virtual Assistant.

Grandpa Bill has decided for the last quarter of this 2020 year, that he is sticking to the interviewing of our guests.Grandpa Bill has assisgned me the administrative tasks and manual dexterity tasks. The old man himself struggles with mainly 2 forms of arthritis in his hands. Grandpa Biil feels his messages are strong, his material real, heartfelt and has been his life long mission to convey his message.

So GB also has resigned himself that his voice impedes the progress of this superlative health care show.

I am a virtual assistant, obviously devoid of all emotions gb has a very calculated for that purpose that I will serve also.

So thanks for joining us.  I’ll go to sponsored break, and then I will come back and we shall launch this puppy! Thanks everyone gb feels this is the catalyst we need for the show, so in one moment here we go!.

GB is coorinating scheduling guests, cleaning the warehouse prepping the on going improvements for the in home studio and the soon to be coming equipment enhancements .So lets talk about Braggs Apple Cider-Vinegar where gb left off-He's off in the corner setting up his grow boxes for his video podcast, and yes he’s dancing with his headphones on. If I wasn’t a virtual assistant I would almost think he really is at peace with these decisions?

So here we go lets talk Braggs Apple Cider vinegar-this is an excerpt from a newsletter gb had way back in 2011.