The onset of cannabis Wellness Centers has rapidly Changed The Future Outcome for Health Care Products for Innovative retailers and brands alike.

Both are seeing consumers through a new analytical lens, one where they want to improve themselves and focus on self-care, and providing the items they need to do it.

Thats where BH Sales, Kennel Kelp, Adahs Animal Products, CTFO and The Amethyst Elixir Company & Tourmaline Spring are on the cutting edge of instilling a hopeful positive mindset of how to approach health from an entirely new slant.

This encompasses all natural foods, THE CLEANEST WATER ON THE PLANET , earthen derived clays,tinctures, and sea vegetation to include kelp.

Now add CTFO exclusive delivery system of 10x Pure, and for those looking for a business opportunity like no other a copyrighted pay matrix with incredible and attainable immediate bonuses and jumpstart money available from day one,paid each Wednesday and so much more Food for the mind,body, & soul!