Grandpa Bill continues today talking about how getting kids interested in precious metals now could be an ideal way to teach them about the global money system. Grandpa Bill has embarked on doing just this with my own 14 year old granddaughter. Over the next several weeks and months, I want to highlight to her, and others, how the value of items such as precious metals, i.e Gold & Silver, and collectable coins that have never lost their value. The more children are instructed about money and the money system at an early age, the better they tend to be about handling money and navigating the system as adults.

Some of the ways to instruct kids about precious metals can include:

Including them to the purchase process thats what I am doing with and for my granddaughter I'm asking her opinion on what she might like for me to acquire for her and her future.

This has changed the way I think about precious metals and has given me a way to gain tangible assets for my family's future.

I  will soon carry a few silver rounds in my pocket wherever I go and I know I will love to share my passion for precious metals. This I know has blessed my life because it has given me a way to develop my passion as an entrepreneur without taking large financial risks to do so.

My granddaughter and I started with-historical commerative coins, and State Animals coins, now only 1 week in the process-Todays episode more from we grandparents taking a look at this for your grand kids and yourself and family too Julius Caesar Coin of historic review for today