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Clay Jaqua on Ken’s Think Tank Season 1, Episode 12

Clay Jaqua took me up in his plane so we could film the Season 1 Finale in the air.  This was the first time I’d been in a private plane . . . and he handed me the controls over NAPI so I could attempt to fly circles around the crop fields.

I had difficulty maintaining altitude – so we basically flew a rollercoaster pattern around the field.

While flying, I told him of my same struggle while at the controls of an official instrument flight simulator in the Air Force.  The instructor was in the control room on the intercom.  He maintained a very flat tone while calling my altitude while I was coming in for a landing . . . even when I “flew the plane” underground.  Ha Ha!

On this flight, we were flying a pattern in the path of somebody’s approach.  Clay heard it, but we couldn’t find it . . . so he finally took the controls back from me so we could safely move out of the area.​

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