Diane Mattern on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 6

I suffer from chronic back pain that began as a bad car wreck many years ago that left me in traction, followed by a collar.  I continued my recovery by being overly cautious with my back to the point of deteriorating the muscle structure in my torso.  Follow that up with the fact that I spend every hour of every day in an office chair . . . my back is not happy.

I asked Diane what she recommends.

“I would recommend that you have your significant other layer oils on your back wherever it hurts.”

“The best way to do this would be to take fractionated coconut oil or some sort of carrier oil . . . put it on your back wherever you need this to go.  The carrier oil does a couple of things.  It allows you to get those oils on a larger area without wasting oil because you don’t need 10 drops.  For a guy your size, I would say about 3 drops.”

“She could easily just put the fractionated oil in her hand . . .” then add 3 drops essential oil to that.

“Start with Marjoram.  It’s great for muscle and connective tissue.  So, she would put Marjoram on your back.  Then, she would follow it with Lemongrass and then Frankincense.”

“As an added bonus, I would top it off with Copaiba.”

“I would do those four and layer them.  You can also take those four things internally.  You can make your own little veggie cap, and make yourself your own little pain pill.  I would do about 3 drops of each in a veggie cap . . . Marjoram, Lemongrass, Frankincense, and Copaiba.  You could take those every three of four hours if you wanted.  They’re not going to hurt you.  You’re not going to OD like if you were taking an opioid for example.”

“The other thing I would do is add Deep Blue Rub on top of the others because it has Wintergreen in it, which has steroidal effects.  It also has Peppermint in it.  Peppermint is a driver.  Remember, Frankincense is in there . . . that’s going to enhance all those oils that you put on.  Peppermint is going to drive them deeper in.”

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