Luke Renner on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 8

One would think that doing things with a yo-yo would be relatively safe.  But, you have a funny story.

“No, it’s not really funny, Ken, OK . . . this is trauma right here.”

OK – it’s funny to me!  Ha Ha!

“While working in television, you have a lot of downtime.  And I didn’t bring that yo-yo with me.  I was doing yo-yo tricks.  There’s one that’s called Shoot the Moon where it shoots out in front of you, then straight up, then straight back out.”

“Anyway, I have downtime and I was doing Shoot the Moon.  It went up and something happened on CNN . . . it was breaking news . . . so I looked at the breaking news, and I looked up, and it came down and knocked my teeth out.”

It really was breaking news!  Ha Ha!

“Yeah.  It was breaking news.  I called a friend in town who’s a pediatric dentist.  ‘Heh do!  I no ma tee ou wi a yoyo!’  He said, ‘Luke, you knocked your teeth out with a yo-yo?!’  Even though I was sounding weird, he figured out who it was so he told me to come down quick.”

“I told my boss that I’ve got this problem . . . well, I didn’t tell him that . . . it was more like ‘myeh myeh myeh’ and he was like ‘Yeah, get outta here, I’ll cover the 5:00 news.’  So, I ran over to my friend’s dental place.”

“He’s a pediatric dentist, so he rushed all the kids out.  It was like a scene out of The Godfather . . . he rushed them out, turned the Closed sign around.  The put a dinosaur bib on me.  It had dinosaurs and ABC’s on it.”

“While I’m in there, they were like ‘No, he really used a yo-yo and knocked his teeth out.’  After they finished laughing about it, he found the biggest temporary kid teeth to put in my mouth, and he got me back in time for the 6:00 news.”

“While this is all going on, my boss is freaked out.  He called my wife and told her there was an accident at work, so she’s worried.  I directed the newscast . . . everything was OK at home.”

“I still have the yo-yo.  It was a plastic yo-yo, and it’s got two indents on there.”​

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