MixTrix who was just recently interviewed for Kink~E Magazine (click here for interview) and also submitted her KinkE Sesions Video regarding how she discovered her Inner Fem Domme will talk to Marabelle Blue about her discoveries, learning and perfecting her craft and how she runs her business.

Unlike most dominatrixes, Mix Trix is more of a solo artist and enjoys the FemDomme life and the subs who serve her. Just upon entering her site (www.mixtrixfix.com) - she beieves in putting the "fundom in femdom". Boys of no use to her need not apply but if you are wililng and ready to serve, the instructions are right there for you to read.

Enjoy this KEM TopTalk episode with your host Marabelle Blue bringing you the best and Finest of Alternative Lifestyles.

Read her interview here:https://www.kinkemag.com/single-post/2019/02/01/A-FIX-of-Femdom-An-interview-with-Mixtrix

See her KinkE Video Sessions here: http://www.kemtoptalk.com/kinkevidsessions.html