Alex Pierson spoke with one of the few Afghan Interpreters and Cultural guides who was able to escape Afghanistan before the Taliban completely overthrew the country and sealed the borders.For the safety of his family still in Afghanistan, and fear of Taliban retaliation, we are withholding his name.  Alex and this now safe interpreter talk about the terrifying situation in Afghanistan now, the Taliban hunting for any they consider an enemy, and how he feels the Canadian government's response has been so far.

Let's get talking

Alex Pierson spoke with one of the few Afghan Interpreters and Cultural guides who was able to escape Afghanistan before the Taliban completely overthrew the country and sealed the borders.
For the safety of his family still in Afghanistan, and fear of Taliban retaliation, we are withholding his name.  Alex and this now safe interpreter talk about the terrifying situation in Afghanistan now, the Taliban hunting for any they consider an enemy, and how he feels the Canadian government's response has been so far.

Let's get talking