Exciting news: I’ll be sharing my real estate expertise with you through my new video blog! 

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I’ve got some exciting news to report to you all today.

I’ll be sharing my real estate expertise with you through my new video blog. In it, I’ll be talking a lot about the things I’ve done to help teams nationally and locally to grow their real estate sales businesses.

Here’s how it will work:

Each month, I’ll send out two emails focusing primarily on leads, listings, and leverage. This means generating more leads, getting more listings, and finding leverage so that you have more time to grow your business and enterprise.

"I’ll focus mainly on leads, listings, and leverage."

Rather than simply guess what’s on your mind, though, I’d like to reach out and ask you all what kinds of questions you have. So have a look around, discover topics that interest you, and if you have any specific questions about any topics, feel free to reach out to me.

I’d love to answer your specific questions in my videos so that other people with similar questions can benefit from them, too.

Until next time, if you have any questions about real estate that you’d like us to address, please don’t hesitate to call me or send me an email. I’d be happy to help you!