Disclaimer: this week’s episode contains discussion of sexual assault. Please listen at your own discretion.

*towards the end of the episode I misspoke and said that a lot of people who have been molested go on to molest, and that is not what I meant to say. I MEANT to say a lot of the people who molest were also molested as children. A slight change in the arrangement of words but a huge difference in Meaning.*

I’m joined this week by Jamie Sivrais ( https://twitter.com/jamiesivrais?s=21 ), co-founder of the non-profit A Voice For The Innocent. AVFTI is an organization and platform where people can anonymously talk about sexual assault that has affected themselves or a loved one. They are doing great work, and Jamie had a lot of insightful things to say.
The organization is on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/avfti?s=21
Their website is: https://www.avoicefortheinnocent.org/

Please share with anyone you think it might help.

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