Many have not yet heard of Glyphosate... the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. Roundup was developed to kill the plant it is sprayed on, like weeds.
GMO crops are specifically engineered to withstand being sprayed with round up..they are 'Roundup ready'...

Obesity, depression, autoimmune disorders, cancers, gluten sensitivity, diabetes, endocrine disruption, autism, chronic illness, neurodegenerative diseases.... the list is so very long...what's happening AND why are we experiencing a huge growth in such a large variety of illnesses ? Especially chronic illnesses

Almost everyone has some knowledge of GMO's but hardly anyone knows that Roundup/glyphosate is now sprayed on the majority of conventionally grown grains in North america.
It's also used as a supposedly safe weedkiller by cities and households across North America.

This podcast episode is dedicated to understanding how glyphosate is affecting the environment, farm animals and humans from the perspectives of a well researched, experienced organic farmer and a well researched, experienced functional medicine doctor.
You'll find fascinating cutting edge information that will help you make informed choices in your nutrition and health care.

Part 2 with Dr. Matthew Flory, Functional Medicine Specialist

As a doctor practicing Functional Medicine, Dr. Flory’s specialty is treating inflammation and sustained chronic inflammation-related conditions. He’s dedicated the remainder of his days to this endeavor due to the fact he’s “Been there … done that.” Dr. Flory is very candid about this fact and as you get to know him you’ll undoubtedly hear about his fight with Hashimoto’s Auto-Immune Hypothyroidism, Depression, Liver Dysfunction, Severe Toxicity, Reactive Hypoglycemia, Chronic Fatigue … all of this resulting from hidden infections, such as Candida.
In fact, his Candida infection was worse than any other client he has personally ever tested, and that’s hundreds, if not thousands, of people. He is now very happy to share a story of encouragement and empowerment when supporting his clients, as his fatigue, depression, anxiety, allergies, routine “sickness”, auto-immunity and thyroid symptoms are now resolved. He admits being sick sucked and was very hard on his personal energy, emotions and beliefs about himself … as much or more than his physical body. That is why, as the founder and architect of Functional Health Team, he is breaking new ground for you in the field of medicine. In developing the philosophy and mission and assembling the step-by-step progressive programs, he has included cutting edge support systems for your physical, chemical, financial and emotional Return to Health.
Inflammation is associated with and sometimes results in conditions such as Auto-Immune Disorders (and other Immune dysfunction), Thyroid dysfunction, Cardiovascular & Kidney Disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes, Neurologic symptoms (Vertigo, Pain, Numbness/Tingling), Bowel and GI dysfunction, Chronic Illness, Sinus Infection and Allergies, Neurotransmitter imbalances with related anxiety and depression symptoms. These are merely a few of the people he can assist. Functional Medicine’s unique philosophy and holistic methods allows Dr. Flory to become the ‘health-detective’ you might wish your family doctor could be. The Institute for Functional Medicine on their webpage defines Funcitonal Medicine as,
“Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.” -

Video with Dr. Matt

Dr. Flory has committed the last 18 years of his life to identifying and implementing natural methods, nutritional remedies and lifestyle modifications that offer safe, effective and clinically-proven ways of regaining health, function and quality of life. He spends a lot of time each week reading and researching to ensure any treatment or recommendations offered are backed by the most up-to-date scientific literature and innovative strategies.
* 1994-1996 Coe College/Cedar Rapids, IA- Pre-Med/Human Biology Major
* 1996-1997 Purdue University/Ft. Wayne, IN- Pre-Med/Human Biology Major
* 1998-2000 Logan College - Bachelor of Science/Human Biology
* 1998-2001 Logan College - Doctor of Chiropractic
* 2012-present Completing Diplomate Board Certification in Internal Disorders
* 2012-present Completing Diplomate Board Certification in Clinical Nutrition
* 2013-2014 Certification in Family Practice ACA Diagnosis & Internal Disorders
* 2013-present Member Quantum Spinal Mechanics International Association
* 2014 Certificate in Functional Medicine – Laboratory Testing
* 2014 Certificate in Functional Medicine – Endocrinology (with focus on
Adrenal, Thyroid, Insulin Resistance & Diabetes)
* 2014 Certificate in Functional Medicine – Male & Female Hormones

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