Mark has a really good heart. Mark is always trying to find a way to help others. Mark Leslie Lefebvre has been writing since he was thirteen years old and discovered his mother’s
Underwood typewriter collecting dust in a closet. He started submitting his work for publication at the
age of fifteen and had his first story published in 1992, the same year he graduated from university.
Under the name Mark Leslie, he has published more than a dozen full length books. He pens a series
of non-fiction paranormal explorations for Dundurn, Canada’s largest independent publisher. He also
writes fiction (typically thrillers and horror) and edits fiction anthologies, most recently as a regular
editor for the WMG Publishing Fiction River anthology series.
The very same year, Mark saw his first short story in print he started working in the book industry as
a part-time bookseller, and was bitten by the book-selling bug. He has worked in virtually every type
of bookstore (independent, chain, large-format, online, academic and digital). He has thrived on
innovation, particularly related to digital publishing, and enjoys interacting with the various people who
make the book industry so dynamic.
Between 2011 and 2017, Mark worked at the Director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations for Kobo
where he was the driving force behind the creation of Kobo Writing Life, a free and easy to use
author/small-publisher friendly platform designed to publish directly to Kobo’s global catalog in 190
countries. By the end of 2016, Kobo Writing Life established itself as the #1 single source of weeklyglobal unit sales for Kobo and, in primarily English language territories, responsible for 1 in every 4
eBooks sold.
Mark has spoken professionally in the United States and Canada, in the UK and across Europe,
specializing in advances in digital publishing and the vast and incredible opportunities that exist for
writers and publishers.
Stark Publishing is an imprint Mark created in 2004 when he released his first book One Hand
Screaming. He has used the imprint to publish more than 25 books. Campus Chills (2009) and
Obsessions (2020) are two of the titles he used to anthologize other authors writing. Rude Awakenings
from Sleeping Rough is the first single author title from a different author that he has published. RUDE AWAKENINGS FROM SLEEPING ROUGH
A new non-fiction book by Peter C. Mitchell with his
experiences on Life in the streets!
Set for release December 1st, 2020 and published by Stark Publishing and editor, Mark Leslie.
This is a story that the charities don't want you to read. MORE DETAILS BELOW. About Peter and Mark:
London born, Canadian raised Peter Mitchell was bumbling his way through a moderately
successful career in business journalism when an investigation into a story on Corporate Social
Responsibility inspired him to look beyond profit margins and PR into the very real problems faced
by society. This inspiration prompted him to dip his toes into a self-confessed Sanity/Vanity project of
a biography of his great, great grandfather, Sir John Kirk.
As Secretary of The Ragged School Union, John championed the causes of children, the disabled,
and the working poor in Victorian-era London. His influence extended beyond the city limits, and his
life proved more interesting than previous biographies revealed. Dust-buried references have faced in the most obscure locales, showing the consequences—both good and bad—to the
ragged and crippled children John Kirk devoted his life to help.
In 2017, Peter returned to London to complete his research and begin the writing of “A Knight in the
Slums.” The past was ready to be mined, and the future was assured. The present, however, took
an unpredictable -and darkly ironic—turn.
A series of unfortunate events transpired, creating a perfect storm of calamities leaving Peter penniles. Social Media is Mark Leslie