Courtney Balestier is a writer and the host of WMFA, a podcast where writers talk writing. I've been a fan of WMFA for several months now so I was very excited to collaborate with Courtney on this episode, which will be released jointly on both shows. In our conversation we took a behind-the-scenes look at both of our shows, diving into our interviewing processes and why each of us started our podcasts. We also talked about the creative projects we've been working on recently, and our shared fascination with place and identity.

(Conversation recorded November 29, 2017.)


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Show Notes: Courtney Balestier WMFA Podcast WMFA - Episode 7: Esmé Weijun Wang Edacious Podcast Susan Cain - Quiet Eleonora Ronconi Elaine McMillion Sheldon Heroin(e) Roger May Aaron Blum WMFA - Episode 19: Celeste Ng Celeste Ng - Everything I Never Told You Medium Festival of Photography scott b davis Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib WMFA - Episode 12: Hanif Abdurraqib Claire-Louise Bennett - Pond Amal El-Mohtar

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