Over a year ago, in May of 2018, well before we started this podcast, we joined Kate Valentine of Keyword: The Amazon Insider Podcast for a webinar entitled, “Creating a Strong Customer Service Strategy; How to increase sales using great customer service"   In today's show, we’re sharing the very end of that webinar, the ~20 minutes of live Q&A we did at the end of the webinar. You can find a link to the full webinar audio in the show notes of this episode, at sellersmile.com/008   If you’re an Amazon seller looking for more high-quality audio content, take a listen to Kate’s podcast shows. She published 3 different shows all aimed at Amazon sellers looking to improve and grow their businesses. One show features exclusively current or former Amazon employees, one features people that have built their businesses alongside the Amazon marketplace, and one features stories directly from sellers themselves. To find all of these, go to keywordpodcast.com   Enjoy the Q&A!

Show notes: www.sellersmile.com/008

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This show is produced by SellerSmile, “Your e-commerce customer service team.”