Today’s points have been to make good decisions and what better decision than to include God in the equation of our lives, this in turn helps us be peacemakers while we yield to others in small and large matters such as opening the door to others and letting them get the best. We also do well to think about the decisions we make as the effects of these, because the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, can be disastrous and long-lasting. I’ve made some very bad choices in life myself, don’t think I haven’t. This is actually all I’ve learnt throughout the years that I’m now sharing with you because I don’t want anyone suffering the consequences of making bad decisions as I once did. I learnt from many of the consequences of which I’m still paying like not spending as much time with my child as I would like, but I’m also resolved to not continue making poor choices and mend what’s been broken in my past because of bad decisions.