In the 89th episode of Keep Moving Forward I interview former Georgia Southern basketball player, Jessica Geiger.


“Try everything once, you never know where it will lead you.” It’s difficult to be fearless when the anxiety of performing at the peak of your athletic ability is constantly weighing on your mind. But Jessica Geiger knows that when you get into the game and you simply execute like you’ve practiced, day in and day out, for weeks on end, you will always come out on top. I don’t mean to suggest that your team will come out victorious every single time, but that you will always win that internal struggle within yourself because your discipline has taught you to never let that negative thinking win. From starter on the Georgia Southern basketball team, to marketing student of the year, to taking the fashion merchandising world by storm, Jessica Geiger is living proof of what the athlete’s mind is capable of. Jessica utilized every bit of what she learned as an athlete and applied it to her life beyond basketball, noting that “sports shape you and teach you so much about real life.”


I am happy to have had the chance to share Jessica’s story, and I hope you are as entertained by and engaged in her journey as I was.


For more on Jessica, you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.