In this episode of Keep Moving Forward, I interview former collegiate athlete, entrepreneur, advocate, and founder of Personal Sport Record, Matt Young.
“Happiness is where you can combine what you’re passionate about and what you’re good at.” This crossroads that Matt Young expertly defines can be attained at a very young age and through a medium we all can relate to on some level: sports. Founder of Personal Sport Record, an organization in pursuit of the all around development of the youth athlete, Matt determined that there was a significant gap in the growth of young athletes and that they are not experiencing the full benefits that sports have to offer. In a world driven by sport specialization from a child’s early years onward, Matt saw the negative impact that the climate of creating such an intense and unhealthy environment for a young athlete could have, and he saw a need to remedy that. Thus, Personal Sport Record was born.
A former athlete himself, Matt knows firsthand that “you’re going to learn everything in sport that you need to be successful for the rest of your life,” if you go about educating that next generation on this essential journey in life in the right way. With Personal Sport Record offering resources for athletes, parents, and coaches alike, Matt is effectively pursuing new ways to best grow the next generation into a group of young people far better than the one before it, and he is doing it through the timeless vehicle of team sports.
Matt and I had a great conversation about the importance of athletics and how to best help kids find passion and love for the sport of their choice. I hope that you enjoy my interview with the inspiring Matt Young.
To learn more about Personal Sport Record, visit and to see more of Matt, you can follow him on Twitter @MattYoung101 and on LinkedIn.
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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.