In the 137th episode of Keep Moving Forward, I interview CEO of OPEX Fitness, Jim Crowell.
“If we do our jobs as coaches, we should help you want to live a more inspired life.” As both a coach and an athlete, Jim Crowell imbues within all those he encounters to live a more inspired life, and to simply want better for themselves. Continuously growing through the ranks in every organization he has ever been a part of, Jim’s story is proof that if you follow the process, if you work hard enough, and if your will is strong enough, you will undoubtedly succeed. I could have spoken to Jim for three more hours, and it still would not have been enough to capture everything he has done. But I am so grateful for the time I did have to speak with him. I hope you all enjoy my interview with Jim Crowell.
To learn more about Jim and OPEX Fitness, you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.

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