Weirdos... Tonight you will be visited by three ghosts

No it isn't an undigested bit of beef that brought you here. Today your hosts Marley and Marley... ope.. I mean Ashley and Lauren... are going to teach you the true meaning of Christmas!

This episode, the Ghost of Christmas Past - you can call her BLAIR GORMAN (Yaaachts, Queen - Robot Chicken) is going to be bringing us three unsolved mysteries!

Blair is going to be teaching us about the case of the Monster with 21 Faces (EXCUSE ME!?) from Japan in the 1980s, a BRAND NEW unsolved mystery straight out of Peoria Illinois that involves the Cookie Monster and Russia?? And we're going to ask the question-- who drugged the entire cast and crew of Titanic with LSD?

One ghost down but you've still got two to go... will you learn your lesson?  Or continue to be a scrooge?