Next Episode: Are You Happy Now?

Am I in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come?

We would answer you but traditionally this spirit is the strong, silent type.

You've made it to your final ghost-- the scariest ghost of all.  BUT.. the good news, as I'm sure you know, is that all is not lost.  You decide what to do with your future and who better to help guide you than our favorite medium AMY GOLDENBERG!! 

In this episode Ashley, Lauren and Amy chat about life. What to think about this crazy year and is there a big change on the horizon?  Or has it already happened?  How do I connect with my ancestors?  Do the dead really care about what happens to their body? Are TV mediums full of bologna?

This spirit teaches us that in order to change the world you have to start by changing yourself.

And with that our Christmas, and our season, comes to a close.  We hope we made you laugh, made you cry, and maybe even scared you a bit this year.  We will be back in a couple months to bring you more strangeness but until then...

Merry Christmas!  And God bless us, everyone!