Jordan Turner talks about all the news and rumors coming out of WWE. 

- Cesaro leaves WWE due to money; like Jim, Ross says, ''people leave due to creativity or money.'' 

- Bill Goldberg was quoted saying via Car Cast Podcast, ''one of the reasons I came back is to give back to the business.'' 

- WWE has a working plan for WrestleMania 38 

- AJ Styles resigns with WWE for over $3 million a year 

- Drake Maverick confirms a position on the WWE Creative Team 

- Killer Kross thinks Vince McMahon is dismantling Triple H's vision of NXT, no shit Kross 

- WWE was 'seriously considering' a Four Horsewomen fatal-four-way at WrestleMania 38 to main event night 1, I fantasy book some ideas

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