EPISODE 1622: In this KEEN ON show, Andrew talks to Tom Holm, the author of IRA HAYES, about the Akimel O'odham Warrior, World War II, and the Price of Heroism

Tom Holm is a professor emeritus of American Indian Studies at the University of Arizona. Professor Holm has published over fifty articles, books, pamphlets, government reports, book reviews and essays, editorials, and book chapters.  An enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation with Muskogee Creek ancestry, Holm has served on numerous Native American organization boards, panels, and working groups.  He is a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War and has taken part in several programs dealing with veterans' affairs.

Named as one of the "100 most connected men" by GQ magazine, Andrew Keen is amongst the world's best known broadcasters and commentators. In addition to presenting KEEN ON, he is the host of the long-running How To Fix Democracy show. He is also the author of four prescient books about digital technology: CULT OF THE AMATEUR, DIGITAL VERTIGO, THE INTERNET IS NOT THE ANSWER and HOW TO FIX THE FUTURE. Andrew lives in San Francisco, is married to Cassandra Knight, Google's VP of Litigation & Discovery, and has two grown children.

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