In Keen Cast's fourth episode, Sean Rehbein, David Lozada, and Tim Ronan talk about the Ooblets fiasco and the importance of good public relation strategies in the video game industry. When all is said and done, do developers really owe anything to the people that helped fund their project? We also discuss Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's latest controversy, Riot's upcoming fighting game, the adorable SkateBIRD, and our love of Sean's mom. Oh, and we attempt to understand what exactly this Fortnite thing is about. Check out links and timestamps to all of our topics below:

News Stories:

Arc System Works releases a Kill la Kill game and tells people not to stream the story mode (00:18:13)
Rockstar North does not pay UK corporation taxes (00:31:33)
Character trailer leaked for Street Fighter V on Steam (00:43:18)
Fortnite mega streamer Ninja says he’s leaving Twitch for Mixer (00:50:50)
PS4 becomes fastest home console to reach 100 million sales (01:04:26)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare developer addresses white phosphorus controversy (01:14:35)
Riot confirms it is working on a fighting game (01:24:59)
SkateBIRB game denied place on Epic Games Store because they also want to be on Steam (01:35:51)

Topic of the Show:

Do developers owe anything to their backers? (01:44:24)

Indie game Ooblets becomes an Epic exclusive (as told through an incredibly condescending post)

Ooblets’ developers continue to look down on people with legitimate concerns

"We don't need the money..."

"Baby gamers"

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney officially responds to the controversy

Nail in the Coffin – Our official consensus – 02:11:07 

Follow us on Twitter!:

David: @ZenoCreator125

Sean: @Djinnger_Bread 

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