Ahoy there pirates! This week you get not one, but two episodes. This bonus episode will be the second part to the interview I had with Aaron from Rare. I hope you enjoy this discussion, we talk a lot about some of the big Nintendo games that are coming in the next year as well as some serious thoughts on the gaming industry and its current state.

Aaron's Announcement moving to the UK and working for Rare - https://twitter.com/TheAaronLeigh/status/1081137540550189058

The custom Labo Poltergust 5000 - https://twitter.com/TheAaronLeigh/status/1032453464217927680

Animal Crossing Trailer - https://youtu.be/_3YNL0OWio0

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer - https://youtu.be/3fr1Z07AV00

Luigi's Mansion 3 Trailer - https://youtu.be/RSGgCfbYrg0

PS: Make sure you take care of yourself =) Love you!

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