On Friday, October 14, AS EVPLA Hailey Stankiewicz and her office of the External Vice President for Local Affairs (EVPLA) of Associated Students of UCSB hosted a Halloween + Policing Community Town Hall. More than 100 government officials, students, community members, property owners, and UCSB administration and faculty gathered at this educational forum to discuss law enforcement agencies’ plans to use surveillance cameras as well as increased police presence over Halloween Weekend 2022.

In this episode, hosted by EVPLA Hailey Stankiewicz, you'll hear a portion of the event - as well as her response to what she thought about the event and students having an opportunity to voice their concerns.

If the topic of video surveillance during Halloween in Isla Vista is of interest to you , you will find a replay of the full event, here on KCSB's SoundCloud page. EVPLA Stankiewicz encourages listeners you to make your voices heard by signing the petition her office started against surveillance in Isla Vista, which can be found on the UCSB EVPLA's Instagram @ucsbevpla.

For more information regarding Halloween and policing, including a "Know Your Rights" workshop coming up on Thursday October 27th - 6:30 p.m. at Embarcadero Hall, email [email protected]