ARTHUR from CALIFORNIA joins us as we present PART 1 of our review of the 1994 Royal Rumble, a show that really features so many big storylines and angles from 1994 as the road to Wrestlemania X got bumpier. PLUS, we talk about the FINAL DELETION, Freddie Prinze Jr booking ideas, Bam Bam vs. Tatanka and the departure of Ludvig Borga, Ted Dibiase returns, WCW's awful Pay Per Listen idea, Baby Brother Owen turns on Bret and kicks his leg out of his leg, the Quebecers awesomeness, IRS vs. Raze for the IC strap, Radio WWF, and then the show becomes derailed when we get into comic book talk, Chris Clarement vs. Pierre Claremont, the golden age of the X-Men, Image Comics, and a LOT MORE!