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"My message of overcoming adversity applies whether you have a business,, health, or personal development podcast. Besides starting an online amusement equipment brokering company with no money and little skills. I did it in 2007 prior to word press, WiFi, or facebook. I also got healthy. First being treated for sleep apnea with a CPAP machine. And then having gastric surgery, changing my lifestyle, and losing over 250 pounds. Still healthy thanks to truly changing my ice and my view of myself. Have traveled the country solo with little money. I’ve written books, and started my own podcast things that lots of sighted people still haven’t found the courage to do. I’ve done it with three core principles. 1: decide to find solutions instead of making excuses. 2: ask for help and accept help when offered. 3: determine to find something good in every aspect of your life. the bottom line is people are inspired by me. They feel that if I can do it then what’s their excuse."

Follow Maxwell - subscribe to our youtube page to get notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience.
"My message of overcoming adversity applies whether you have a business,, health, or personal development podcast. Besides starting an online amusement equipment brokering company with no money and little skills. I did it in 2007 prior to word press, WiFi, or facebook. I also got healthy. First being treated for sleep apnea with a CPAP machine. And then having gastric surgery, changing my lifestyle, and losing over 250 pounds. Still healthy thanks to truly changing my ice and my view of myself. Have traveled the country solo with little money. I’ve written books, and started my own podcast things that lots of sighted people still haven’t found the courage to do. I’ve done it with three core principles. 1: decide to find solutions instead of making excuses. 2: ask for help and accept help when offered. 3: determine to find something good in every aspect of your life. the bottom line is people are inspired by me. They feel that if I can do it then what’s their excuse."

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