So and friend of mine posted a link to our blog on the Katawa Shoujo Subreddit, and oh my god guys.

We got over 700 pageviews today, most of them coming from that post. That's more than twice the views this blog had gotten in the past few days it's been up. That's amazing. The guys over there we also kind enough to give some criticism about the blog layout to help improve it.

So, I just want to give a quick shout-out to everyone at Reddit who came to check us out. It means a lot to me and it helps this blog grow. Please pass the word on to any more of your friends who are a fan of Katawa Shoujo, and don't hesitate to leave on comment on this post about anything that can be improved. We are still looking for people who can write outro songs for the podcast, people to post on the blog, people that can help design a better layout, and anyone that wants to talk on the podcast. If you're interested in helping, just contact me at [email protected]!

Thanks again guys.