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I wrote these haikus

For the ladies of my life

Oh and Kenji too

Check it out after the break!


Oh love is so blind.

You can’t see my love for you.

But you can feel it.

Lilly my angel,

Silently sipping her tea

A scene so lovely

Sitting down I see

Blonde Hair whipping in the wind

Holding hands we kiss


The scars are painful

I carry my own scarred heart

Let me in your thoughts

That lovely beret

Hides your own sorrow away

“Reading again today?”

No need to be shy

We all have something to hide

For you I would die


A voice so silent

With actions heard so loudly

Sign furiously

Glasses poised lightly

Staring intently at me

A sly smile shows

Girl you are crazy

You work me over insane

But I still love you.


With great artist’s grace

Pain the canvas of my heart

Memories cherished

Hard to understand

Yet so much sense that you make

A cloud in the sea

If you were a bell

You would make my heart sing this




You run so gracefully

So breath taking in motion

Chase the horizons

Her pig tails bouncing

Walking alongside of me

Her face is well lit

She is so lovely

I can’t help but pick her up

Into my embrace


Oh no feminists!

We have to infiltrate them!

Can I borrow cash?

I do as I please.

I go bowling in the halls.

Screw librarians!

No napkins, all wine.

This is a manly picnic.

Oh and some pretzels.

................ And from the KS Crew..............

Thank you for reading

Our day made with
your visit

Love y’all, from Vespers