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I have decided to share the March & April Venus Circle REPLAYS because these energies are affecting everyone and I am getting more requests for clarity on the current energies and how they are affecting our Relationships & Finances specifically. The last time we encountered this energy & cycle was during the years:  2012-2014 and before that, 2002-2005 so familiar themes may be circling back in your own life.

Below, you will find an Overview of this month's class and you are welcome to Subscribe or DropIN for $25/mo anytime you would like to check-in with your own Values & Priorities.
Venus Circle Details HERE
MARCH 2022 ~ AQUARIUS/Sacral/Release:
This month is about clearing any attachments to old relationships or creative projects. We are reviewing all our creations over the last 18-months -to- 8-years and letting go of anything that holds no more joy, vitality, magic, essence or chi. If there is any vitality left in certain creative projects, then this clearing will serve them like a pruning that allows a plant to grow better. Because this activation is in Aquarius, it is all about your unique contribution to the community, as well as your individuality and freedom to be yourself within the context of any partnerships or collaborations. We have to look at where the flow is stagnated, where your nature has been stifled and where you have limited your own vision because of dogmatic beliefs, limited thinking & narrow-mindedness. It’s time to address the   issue of being overly committed to the world or community, to the neglect of Self or family. Often, we ignore others or neglect our own personal needs because they are mundane and not deemed as vital or important as the life & death struggles of humanity, climate change or any of the bigger issues.
Gambler asks you to see where you’ve grown complacent, forgotten your purpose or lost the vision for your life. Often, we take the easy, familiar Path thinking that we will avoid trouble or find a shortcut but, all it ends up doing is delaying our good and making our lessons more painful & unnecessarily long. Look at where you have let your impatience get the best of you, especially when you really wanted something. This Archetype reveals your inherent selfishness & narcissism because you fail to consider the consequences of your choices (or lack thereof). Once in a while, a “gamble” will pay off, but you have to recognize that it wasn’t “your power” but more of a convergence of alignments that had to   happen to make that possible in the first place. That’s not an easy way to live.
The Shadow Work of this Archetype is to dig deeper for your sense commitment & dedication.
This month will re-set the connection to your Emotional Body & Sacral Chakra, clearing and  releasing any blockages to natural flow, creativity and your gut instincts. You cannot do the same-old/same-old routines, or foods, or practices and expect new & different results. You are creating deeper, stronger connections to your own natural rhythms and innate knowing, as well as expanding your   consciousness with every step of the journey. Use this month to get creative around your Release Work, revive some old ideas that still show promise, clear anything blocking your Heart from feeling joy,  gratitude & love and release any saltwater tears to cleanse the past completely. 

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