This is a Special SHARE!!
Typically, Venus Circle is for Subscribers Only, however, when we get to the Reclamation side, in need of NEW Tools, Resources & Support, we always invite different Teacher/Guides to come in and share their Tools and Other Modalities for self-healing, individual education & personal soul work.

I want to thank those of you who could join us live – it was a great call! This was a very special day with YeYe Luisah She shared her insights around Leo/Root Chakra/The Visionary Archetype, she also gave us homework in the form of 3-questions to contemplate (below), which were great activators so that we can take ourselves to the next level! That was powerful! We covered a LOT of ground! It was so fun & enlightening.

Questions to Contemplate from YeYe:
1 – What is your Creative Offering to the World?
2 – What Work will you have to do to manifest FULLY that Creative Offering?
3 – What is the Greatest Reward that you expect to receive from Offering Your Visionary Spirit & Creativity to the World?
After that, she told us to reflect on and come up with the following too:
• The Actual Amounts of Money (that you expect to receive for your Creative Offering)
• The Awards You will Win (for your Creative Offering)
• The Audiences You will Reach (with/because of your Creative Offering)
• How your Creative Offering will Change Other People’s Lives for the Better
• Close Prayer/Affirmation/Declaration – with “This or something GREATER!!”
My Biggest Take-Aways:
• Have Courage Beyond Reason
• Make Your Mind the Servant of Your Heart
• Adventure = Excitement + Relative Safety
• De-Colonize Your Mind and Re-Indigenize Your Heart & Spirit
• De-Colonize What is Considered Valuable
• Everyone has a Spirit, a Story and a Purpose
• Nurture + Water the Belief of Your Desire
• Turn Your Beliefs Into Knowings

How to Join the Monthly Venus Circle HERE:
$25/mo Includes Monthly Tools + Resources

The Venus Circle began in 2007 and has been dedicated to checking-in with our own values & priorities, on a regular basis. Venus Monthly TeleCircle is open to anyone who wants to drop-in for an infusion of the Sacred Feminine energy & guidance for the month. We explore the value of the Sign & Chakra of the month, along with potent Guidance & Divinations.

Venus in Capricorn Cycle ARTICLE :: Click HERE

Starts in July 2023-24
Venus in Leo Cycle ARTICLE :: Click HERE

#VenusCircle #KellyMBeard #KarmicTools #YeYeLuisahTeish #AncestorMedium #Leo #RootChakra #TheVisionaryArchetype #VenusCycle #Cycles #Patters #Shamanism #ShamanicAstrology #Astrology #EarthMedicine #EnergyUpdate #EnergeticSupport #SacredFeminine #MysticMentor #Transits

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