Danialle chats with Amy Haimerl, of Shady Ladies Literary Society, about her organization that revolves around really good books, then gets to know blind artist and musician Cordelia Grimm, as she shares her fascinating story.
Amy Haimerl of Shady Ladies Literary Society
Who doesn't enjoy curling up with a good book? Why not make that a social event with some of your best (and new) girlfriends? Amy Haimerl's Shady Ladies Literary Society does just that, putting on huge events (with cocktails, of course) around new book releases. Amy takes us inside the organization.

Follow Shady Ladies Literary Society on Facebook and Instagram.
Cordelia Grimm

Cordelia Grimm, formerly Brendan Patrick, is an inspiring story of perseverance. Born with cystic fibrosis, Brendan overcame many medical issues to become a renowned artist and is now transitioning to become Cordelia Grimm. Cordelia's enthusiasm and positive energy are contagious as she takes Danialle through the various stages of her life, including her punk band The Wretched Sights, and her art. Oh, and did we mention she's blind? Find out how a blind artist creates masterpieces that she can't see in this fascinating interview.

Follow Cordelia Grimm on Facebook.