On this episode of Karma Has Spoken, Danialle gets cozy in her igloo with Amanda Fisher and Jennifer Granger, the powerhouse duo behind Fashion x Philanthropy, to explore their organization and the stylish ways they're giving back to the community. Then, Dr. James Blessman — or, as Danialle calls him, "the real most interesting man in the world" — shares his impressive medical background and explains what it means to "honor your design."
Fashion x Philanthropy
Powerhouse duo Amanda Fisher and Jennifer Granger talk about Fashion x Philanthropy (that's pronounced Fashion BY Philanthropy), their "friend blind date," City Year, and the amazing things their organization is doing for the community.

Follow Fashion x Philanthropy on Facebook and Instagram. For more information visit, fashionxphilanthropy.com.
Dr. James Blessman
Next, the man Danialle calls "the real most interesting man in the world,"  Dr. James Blessman, explains what it means to "honor your design." Dr. Blessman has quite the resume: He's a graduate of Detroit's Cass Tech High School, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, and he's board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Occupational Medicine. He's practiced preventive medicine for more than 25 years and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine Public Health Sciences at Wayne State University, as well as the assistant chief medical officer for the Michigan Department of Corrections. Hear what he as to say about all these roles, and more.

Follow Dr. James Blessman on Facebook. To learn more visit, betterme.us.