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The dance between infinity and nothingness. Originally from France,
Roman’s fields of interests include reinvigorating food, bio magnetic field enhancement, bio resonance and bio architecture, cymatics, permaculture, new spiritual paradigm and a host of others. With his bio-architecture, blue economy, micro-farming, permaculture and blockchain technology knowledge, Roman is participating in the creation of a new world of human sovereignty and abundance, where conscious, ethical and self-determined beings cooperate in establishing a harmonious society that will transcend the current economic and social limitation, and allow humans to remember their connection with their environment and their spiritual essence.

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Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul's calling. Connect with KAren Swain here and download her free report '10 Top Ways to Lasting Happiness'. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberate Creation, invites other teachers and experiencers to ATP Media to expand the conversation of how to evolve human consciousness, expand human potential, overcome adversity, advance human society as we transition to the next evolutionary step in human evolution. Enjoy our conversations. BIG LOVE ksx

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