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Quote from a Spirit Helper:

“The first thing to do, then, with such as those is to help them to realize the fact that they are no more in the earth life, and, to do this, we employ methods.

One is to ask them whether they remember some friend or relative, and, when they reply that they do so but that he is dead, we try and enable them to see this particular spirit, who, appearing alive, should convince the doubter that he is really passed over. This is not always the case, for the ingrained fallacies are obstinate, and so we try another method.”

My blog is at: NWspiritism

The topic we will discuss is at: Helping Souls Who Have Just Passed Over

Book covering the topic: Explore Your Destiny – Since Your Life’s Path is (mostly) Predetermined

Facebook page to discuss Spiritism (and see our live broadcast!): Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us

List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs

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