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The spirit Zabdiel exhorts us to seek out higher spirits and learn about their loving presence. He tells us:

“Also, it is on our part a marvel that men should be found who hesitate on the way, and fear that to speak to us is a wrong, and displeasing to Him Who Himself came into the world for this same reason; that He might show how both spiritual and material were but two phases of one great Kingdom, and the unity of both together.”

My blog is at: NWspiritism

The topic we will discuss is at: Go Forth and Talk with Spirits

Book covering the topic: Explore Your Destiny – Since Your Life’s Path is (mostly) Predetermined

Facebook page to discuss Spiritism (and see our live broadcast!): Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us

List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs

Please join us every Sunday at 7 pm eastern and 4 pm pacific for a live program to discuss a topic about Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us. Mark your calendars. The link to the upcoming program will always be on the right side of the blog home page.

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