On today's episode, I talk to Joel Muddamalle. He is the Director of Theology for Proverbs 31 Ministries and is a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with an emphasis in theology.

Joel and I discuss God's original intent for Adam and Eve (and subsequently us) when He placed them in the Garden within the context of His Divine rest.


The tension and mystery of trusting in the finished work of Christ as wholly sufficient AND as a result of that, we work. "Biblical Theology" ... what it is and why everybody should want to study it.  God's presence is rest! Rest and how it relates to our identity, our relationship with God, and our relationships with other people. (So freeing!) Progressive sanctification. The Gospel is like a river. Imago Dei: The image of God. It was not broken at the fall. What we need to discuss is the Status and Standard of the Imago Dei.


"As we attempt to know God's Word, we will find it is knowing us." (Joel)

"As a result of the fact that God has done the finishing work, I can partner with Him in the work He's assigned to me unto His glory that will ultimately be for my good." (Joel)

"The Old Testament sets seeds for us to see come to fruition in the New Testament. Likewise, in the New Testament, we need to ask ourselves where are the echoes, allusions and development that has already been laid in the Old Testament." (Joel)

"The mysteries of God are wrapped up in the special needs of my son." (Julie)


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