Stephanie Rousselle's spiritual journey took her from French atheism to biblical Christianity. She is married to a Middle-Eastern North African, and they have two teenagers. She is a Bible teacher, coach, mentor, and podcast host to Gospel Spice.

Stephanie thrives on Bible-centered, inspirational writing and speaking and dark chocolate. Her passion is to give God all the glory, because she's discovered that He promises to delight her with His very own presence.


Where our identity is found. What identity in Christ means. The difference between head knowledge and experiential knowledge of God. Self-sufficiency and utter weakness. Where true power and authority come from. How walking in our calling is like seeing the Eiffel Tower.


"We don't choose weakness -- we are weak. We choose to accept the reality of our weakness." (Stephanie) "Calling is an outward manifestation of our purpose." "We have to sit in the heavenly places before we can walk in our callings." (Julie) "God is never more weak in my life than when I am strong in myself." (Stephanie) "True POWER and AUTHORITY comes from being WITH Christ and not working FOR Him." (Julie)



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