There are many tools we can leverage to optimize, enhance and maximize the potency and results of our psycho-spiritual journey, and Dreaming is no doubt a key one. Ancient wisdom tells us that our dreams have very specific functions, specifically serving as one of the ways with which our all-knowing subconscious is communicating with us. In this episode, the first episode in a series listing our various “Tools of Transformation”, I speak of these functions of Dreaming as well as the various techniques with which we can enhance their value. I’ll talk about Dream Journaling, how to build your symbol library and about the value of repeating dreams as a measuring stick for our spiritual development.

There are many tools we can leverage to optimize, enhance and maximize the potency and results of our psycho-spiritual journey, and Dreaming is no doubt a key one. Ancient wisdom tells us that our dreams have very specific functions, specifically serving as one of the ways with which our all-knowing subconscious is communicating with us. In this episode, the first episode in a series listing our various “Tools of Transformation”, I speak of these functions of Dreaming as well as the various techniques with which we can enhance their value. I’ll talk about Dream Journaling, how to build your symbol library and about the value of repeating dreams as a measuring stick for our spiritual development. 

Episode Show Notes:

Dreams are serving many functions when it comes to our psycho-spiritual journey, with the main one being a direct communication channel with the subconscious with which she is telling us about the various emotional, physical and mental distortions we have from the unity of our true nature. That is, dreams are a valuable tool in figuring out the next step in our evolution.

As such, it is important to develop tools with which we can understand them. The Feminine Subconscious does not speak with "reason". She cannot be direct because she will then infringe on the Free Will of the Masculine, Conscious mind. And so she does it with symbols, metaphors and in other indirect ways. It is important to show her that we are serious about our efforts to listen to what she has to tell us - using a dream journal is a great way to do it. Also, it is important to build our own subjective library of dream symbols. We'll talk about how to do it and about the danger in using books for this purpose.   


What is your relationship to your dreams? Do you dream? If not, did you ever dream? Try to ask for dreams before you go to sleep. If you do dream, what do you usually dream about and what is the quality of your dreams? Do you remember them? Do you write them down?  Do you have repeating themes, sets of people which keep coming back? 


Intro and ending music produced by Milne Sounds