In this episode we’ll talk about the history and background behind the ancient Hebrew Wisdom, how does it relate to other spiritual and religious frameworks in the west and perhaps most importantly – we’ll describe the spiritual principles behind the Tree of Life. Episode Show Notes contain a summary of books and other references mentioned, as well as relevant links, music credits and more. To find the show notes go to, choose “Podcast” > “Listen” to locate this episode, then click the “Show Notes” link.

In this episode Ovadya explores the history and background behind the ancient Hebrew Wisdom, how does it relate to other spiritual and religious frameworks in the west and perhaps most importantly – he describes the spiritual principles behind the Tree of Life.

Episode Show Notes

In this second episode of Kabbalistic Mystic we listed the Spiritual principals behind the Tree of life so you will have the ability to discern for yourself if these ideas are ones you can align with. We spoke of three principals – The first one was that we are all somehow connected, sharing responsibility and accountability for the well being of one another as well as the environment in which we live in. The second one was that Unconditional love is the ultimate expression of our true essence – it’s who we are, its’ the very expressive nature of the cosmic energy we are animated by, and the manifestation we strive for and seek in our spiritual journey as Self-Conscious humans. The last one was Free Will and the law of confusion – a key principle that guarantees that we will be able to choose for ourselves at any given moment, and ensures the validity and power of faith – in whatever you choose to believe. It is the birthright of all humans, and we must be very careful not to infringe upon it when we go about our business in the world. This starts with eliminating judgment and cultivating acceptance..

This weeks' reflection

What are your spiritual principles? How do they relate to the ones we listed on this show? Share them with me on the Kabbalistic Mystic FB page


Brian Green – The elegant universe

Fair Use Clips: 

Movie: - iHeart Huckabies
Movie: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back
Alan Watts – Seeing beyond our separateness
The Beatles – all you need is love


You heard Moksha, “Clouds on the Moon” (