It has been too long since our last Top Ten episode, so we picked a topic a little bit out of left field from our normal conversations and are counting down our Top Ten Video Games.  Most of us are what you would call "casual gamers" at best, so this isn't a comprehensive list of critical darlings and all-time greats.  Instead, these are the games we had the best time playing with a room full of friends or the childhood favorites that always hit our nostalgia triggers.  From Atari to Xbox, arcade to console, Pong paddles to cutting-edge online gaming, part one of our countdown reveals picks #10 through #5 from each member of Ka-Pow the Pop Cultured Podcast and our special guest, Russ Casseday.  Stay tuned for part two, coming as soon as Cliff unplugs his joystick and gets back to editing!

Length - 01:27:08

Language - PG-13.  (Contains mild adult language.)