[Spoiler Alert] Grace discusses the show The Light in Your Eyes (2019, JTBC) starring veteran K-drama actress Kim Hye-ja. Kim Hye-ja’s first Korean TV series entitled Frog Husband (1969) which was controversial but showed MBC and its competitors that TV viewers want scandal. Kim Hye-ja is also famous for speaking up on her frustration for being older and more experienced and a better actress in her older age and yet having less and less roles written for her. Grace gets into the significance of fishcakes in kimchi jjigae in The Light in Your Eyes as well as the appreciation for Son Ho-jun’s comedic brilliance on this show. Grace’s guest is Berlin-based comedian Julieta Degese (@dcgjulieta on Instagram). Grace’s new book K-Drama School: A Pop Culture Inquiry into Why We Love Korean Television is available now for pre-order on Amazon. Release date is April 23, 2024: https://shorturl.at/fAFY1. Please visit K-Drama School’s Patreon page to support the show at http://www.patreon.com/kdramaschool. Visit the K-Drama School Store at http://www.kdramaschool/com/store. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit https://www.kdramaschool.com/ to learn more.