Juventinità: Back to Black and White Podcast #68: with the Legends of Twitter Mo (@mohammedgharib), Luigi (@Luigi________), and Angelo (@DonMarchisio)

This podcast I think you’re going to love, great personalities and ideas just talking Juve and a sprinkle of social issues at the end. Should’ve been out a while ago but enjoy now. 

In this podcast, I continuously confuse Luigi with Max because of the name on his zoom name tag. I can confirm his name is Luigi hahah. Unfortunately Drew and Anto couldn’t make it but that is the business of podcasting but it took nothing away from the podcast. I brought together a list of topics to discuss with the boys and I hope you enjoy what we had to say and don’t take us too seriously. After all it’s Juve and to deal with all of things we say it was nice to have a laugh with some really nice guys. So as we ramp up in the new year I hope to continue with the great guests, new and familiar. Grazie and enjoy.

Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)
Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)
iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353
Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn
Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

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