Juventinità: Back to Black and White Podcast #64: with Dean (@75Massaro)

We finally got off the rollercoaster that was Juve-Torono, and what a ride it was. What seems to be a regular occurrence in these fixtures, late game drama leaves the stress and nerves through the roof. Dean and I break it down for you in an initial take!

In this podcast, Dean and I first get into the reason for him choosing the black and white stripes. After hearing his great story we get right into the game by generally speaking about what we thought, our first statements. Then I divide the game by bringing up 4 interesting questions/topics that we discuss thoroughly to get to the bottom of a lot of hot button topics on social media. First we talk about the man of the match as well as how we saw Cuadrado in this game. Then we go into the midfield shambles in this game and discuss how there was no linkup. Next we go into the attack and why it was so bland in this game, was there any connection or were the strikers on an island. Lastly we talk about our Mister, Pirlo for many games this season has been lacklustre, he hasn’t made the right moves, provided the right setup/tactics and haven’t made the necessary changes to turn the tide of some awful games. Lastly we talk about some memorable moments in Juve history, as well as talk about some other sports. I hope you enjoy this and I’ll for sure have Dean back on in the future!

Check out the Derby Della Mole La Panchina video I did with Al, James, and Auber:


Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

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