Juventinità: Back to Black and White Podcast #63: with Mason (@VeSiBlog)

Was looking forward to having Mason back on the podcast to see how he was doing as well as the massive growth he’s achieved with his blog!! This is an on time edition of the Post Game of Juve-Dynamo Kiev. Had a lot of fun and as you’ve seen so far, Mason will be featuring a lot more!

In this podcast, Mason and I discuss how things are going into his great success, Vecchia Signora Blog and all of the great things he’s doing! As always I like to feel out repeat guests by seeing how they see the team playing now and we move into the important news of the moment. Then we look at the formations as well as some key statistics I like to look at after every game. Next it’s straight into the moment by moment actions that I’ve recorded and think are the most noticeable to talk about! I believe that at this point we should be accepting but also sharp in what we see. After all the match talk we go into the 3 Up, 3 Down picks pretty happy and finish off with the post game comments that can tell us so much. A little talk on the week ahead and what to expect. Thanks so much for the mass of all the questions, I really loved being able to answer all of your great questions. Lastly a quick look at the sham, I call ESPN FC, top 100 list. I hope you enjoy this one, and I’m happy to call a bunch of these Juve creators my friends. Thanks everyone!

Check out Mason’s Blog, Vecchia Signora Blog:

Link: https://www.vecchiasignora.org/

Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

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