Writer and host of Boars, Gore, and Swords Ivan Hernandez joins us to talk about one of the most influential SNES games of all time, Earthbound/ Mother 2. It's truly the Velvet Underground of 16-bit RPGs, you can see traces of it in all the indie games that we enthuse about here all the time. Ivan was a mod on the Earthbound fan forum starmen.net so he was able to go deep on this game. Sarah has played Earthbound multiple times as an adult so was able to go right there with him. Alan has played the first two hours of Earthbound and was also on this zoom call/podcast recording.

Ivan is @ivan_hernandez. Boars, Gore, and Swords is available anywhere you can find a podcast

Alan is @alan_maguire. Juvenalia is his main thing right now.

Sarah is @griffski. Her many books are in all good bookshops and her many zines are at sarahmariagriff.com

Thank you to Dee McDonnell for our artwork.

We have a Patreon! You can get bonus episodes including our fortnightly show Started/Finished where we talk about the pop culture we started and finished in the previous two weeks. We also have some free lil bits of merch. It's patreon.com/juvenalia

Juvenalia is a Tall Tales podcast. Thank you Cassie.

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